Brief background: "GM is an abbreviation for Good Morning. GM is an acronym used in the crypto community to greet others and promote goodwill. The crypto community mostly uses this slang on Twitter, Telegram chats, and Discord groups. Since everyone in the crypto community is a member of the world community, they all refer to one another as GMs. On Twitter, cryptocurrency traders, investors, and enthusiasts start their days with a GM tweet, and followers frequently respond with a GM tweet. The GM tweet is used regardless of the actual time; it brings harmony amongst crypto enthusiasts and opens a dialogue for crypto conversationalists. It's a common greeting for Web3 enthusiasts on social media".I started to draw GMDOODLEs some time ago, usually at mornings. Just for fun & to pump up a bit my smol artistic drawing skills. Sometimes it's abstract images, sometimes it's homages to artists, sometimes — it's a pop culture references.
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Exchange Art